I asked Chat GPT "How do Confucius and Aristotle compare to Taoists and Stoics?"
From https://ericgerlach.com/ethics-china-confucius/

I asked Chat GPT "How do Confucius and Aristotle compare to Taoists and Stoics?"

And Chat GPT responded: "Confucius and Aristotle can be compared to Taoists and Stoics in terms of their philosophical approaches to ethics, politics, and spirituality.

Confucius was a Chinese philosopher who emphasized the importance of moral virtue, education, and the cultivation of the self. He believed in the idea of the "golden rule," where one should treat others as one would like to be treated, and he also believed in the idea of the "rectification of names," where words should correspond to reality. Confucius emphasized the importance of social harmony, the role of the ruler, and the importance of tradition.

Aristotle was a Greek philosopher who believed in finding happiness through a life of reason and virtue. He believed in the concept of the "golden mean," where the ideal action lies between two extremes, and he also believed in the idea of substance, where objects have inherent properties and exist independently of the mind. Aristotle emphasized the importance of moral character and practical wisdom, and he believed in the importance of the good life.

Taoism is a Chinese philosophical and spiritual tradition that emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao, or the natural order of the universe. Taoists believe in non-action, or "wu-wei," where one should allow events to unfold naturally without interference. They emphasize simplicity, humility, and the importance of letting go of desires and attachments.

The Stoics were a school of thought that emphasized the importance of living in accordance with nature and accepting what is beyond one's control. They believed in the idea of determinism, where all events are predetermined and determined by natural causes, and they focused on personal responsibility and the development of inner peace and serenity. The Stoics emphasized the importance of logic, ethics, and wisdom, and they aimed to achieve a life of virtue and inner peace by accepting the world as it is and focusing on one's own thoughts and actions.

In conclusion, Confucius and Aristotle emphasized moral virtue and practical wisdom, while Taoists and Stoics emphasized living in harmony with the natural order and accepting what is beyond one's control."