Alan Watts ~ Waves.

Alan Watts ~ Waves.

This video summarizes perfectly the way I like to look at things. I find this way of thinking the only one that truly makes sense to me. I hope this speech inspires you as much as it has inspired me. 🙏🔥💗

The real you is not a puppet which life pushes around.

The real deep down you is the whole universe.

What you do is what the whole universe is doing at the place you call here and now.

You are something the whole universe is doing in the same way that a wave is something that the whole ocean is doing.

You grow out of this physical universe in just exactly the same way that an apple grows off an apple tree.

So let's say the tree which grows apples is a tree which “apples” (using Apple) as a verb and a world in which human beings arrive is the world that “peoples”.

And so the existence of people is symptomatic of the kind of universe we live in just as hair on a head it is symptomatic of what's going on in the organism.

But we have been brought up by reason of our two great myths the ceramic and the fully-automatic, not to feel that we belong in the world.

So our popular speech reflects it: we say “ we came in this world”, but you didn't. You came out of it.

We talked about encounters with reality as if it was a head-on meeting of completely alien agencies, and the average person has the sensation that he is a somewhat… that he exists inside a bag of skin, the center of consciousness which looks out at this thing and what the hell's are we gonna do to them?

If you think that you are only inside your skin you define yourself as one very complicated little curlicue[?] way out on the edge of that explosion, way out in space, and way out in time. Billions of years ago you were a Big Bang, now you're a complicated human being.

You're not something that is a result of the Big Bang.

You are not something that is a sort of puppet on the end of the process.

You are still the process.

You are the Big Bang, the original force of the universe, coming on as whoever you are.

I see every one of you as the primordial energy of the universe coming on at me in this particular way  I know I'm that too, but we've learned to define ourselves as separate from it

I once asked a group of high school children what do you mean by a thing and first of all they gave me all sorts of synonyms (as they said it's an object) which is simply another word for a thing it doesn't tell you anything about what you mean by a thing. Finally, a very smart girl from Italy who was in the group said “the thing is a noun”, and she was quite right!

A noun isn't a part of nature. It's part of speech. There are no nouns in the physical world. There are no separate things in the physical world.

Either you and I are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean.

The ocean waves and the universe “peoples”. And as the wave “I wave at you” and say “yuouuu!”.

The world is waving at you - at me - with you, and saying “hi I'm here “.

But we are Consciousness and the way we feel and sense our existence… being based on a myth that we are made, that we are parts, that we are things….

Our consciousness has been influenced so that each one of us does not feel that.