Welcome to my blog!

This is a place where you can find a mixture of thoughts, insights, and musings on philosophy (both eastern and western), programming, book reviews, Burning Man, Van-life, and other topics that catch my fancy.

I am a person with a curious mind and a love for learning. I have a deep passion for philosophy and I enjoy spending my time reading and studying the works of ancient and modern philosophers. Through my writing, I hope to share my love for philosophy and inspire others to think more deeply about the world around us.

Aside from philosophy, I am a programmer and I love technology. I've been writing software since I was a teenager and software development is my other great passion. Whether you are a seasoned programmer or just starting out, I hope the articles I write or link will provide valuable insights that can help you in your work.

I am also a Burner and wanna-be Van-lifer, and I love to share my experiences and reflections on the culture and community of these two lifestyles. I will write about the lessons I learnt and the joys I experienced while taking my van Bubba on the road and participating in the vibrant community of Burning Man.

In addition to philosophy, programming, and other passions, I am also an avid reader. I hope I'll have time to write reviews of the books I read and provides with a unique perspective on the stories and characters within them. I hope you will find my reviews insightful and thought-provoking.

So, whether you're interested in philosophy, programming, Burning Man, Van-life, or just looking for some great book recommendations, my  blog is the place for you. Join me on my journey of discovery and be inspired to think more deeply about the world around you.

Thank you for reading,
